Thursday, June 18, 2015

Review on Microsoft HoloLens at E3 2015 and the future technology of gaming

hololens minecraft game demonstration

Besides various upcoming games, Microsoft had displayed one of the most stunning technology ever at E3 2015 - The HoloLens, I have watched some of its demonstration videos back in January, and I was surprised by their AR technology. 

  Before discussing more about the HoloLens, I hope you still remember Oculus Rift, another head-mounted display device developed by Microsoft. Some may get confused between the two products, so I will clarify their differences first.

  The 'developer version' of Oculus Rift had been tested and released in 2012, much earlier than the HoloLens. Oculus Rift's concept is different from HoloLens. One being a VR (virtual reality) device, while the other being a AR (augmented reality) device. 

  Both gadgets bring gaming to its new heights, but in two distinctive ways. The concept of VR technology is about creating a virtual world that looks the same/very similar as the reality, so the user can experience a new environment that can be edited freely. In short, VR technology will take the user into a completely new world where no trace of reality can be observed.

  The AR is like a mix between virtual world and reality, the operating device will scan the environment around the user, then input virtual elements for the user to view. To sum up, AR system will add virtual items/displays based on the real world.

hololens imageoculus rift image

  Back to the topic, so what improvements on gaming experience will be bought to players by the HoloLens?

  The whole universe of a game can follow the player with the use of HoloLens, the whole universe! Taking Minecraft as an example, players can load up their Minecraft map on a table, and control everything at their fingertips. That brings spectating a game to a new level, one can witness a war in Call of Duty while watching TV shows, or even edit the map like a unseen god, add a vehicle there, put some rifles here etc.

  At the same time, this technology can be utilized for game development. As HoloLens makes creating or editing a game much easier, software companies can outsource part of their game projects to the public and use their design. This will reduce the workload and improve the quality of games, because players know best on how to satisfy themselves about the level design of games.

  However, HoloLens has some flaws, too. The 3D vision doesn't cover the whole device, only 30% of the front display create AR images. So if you peek at the side of the lens, you can't see the images anymore. That forces the user to move their head and body around a lot if the image/animation is large. I beg the developers to fix this before releasing HoloLens as this problem will turn a revolutionary product into a impractical toy if left untouched.

  If HoloLens is successfully developed, I think there will be a huge impact on the video game industry. The major gaming platform will slowly shift to AR gadgets from consoles and PC. There may even have FPS games for AR devices in the future! I can't imagine what my home will look like when terrorists break inside. 

  Actually, gaming is only part of the features of the HoloLens, it has a lot more application than we think. For example the GPS display, wearers can be guided with 3D instructions and waypoints when driving. That will be amazingly helpful if it really comes true, furthermore these functions might even be adapted for military or space exploring purposes.

hololens gps application demonstration

 I'm absolutely anticipated for the release of HoloLens, but lets's hope its price won't rip everyone's wallet off......

  Hope you enjoyed my post. Please feel free to comment or ask questions, and making suggestions for the content of this blog is very much appreciated! :D


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