Sunday, July 5, 2015

5 Unrealistic Things In Shooter Games

fps game wallpaper

   Shooter games are everywhere and they dominates the gaming market. Call of Duty, Battlefield, GTA, Medal of Honor... You name it.

  Of course gunfights are getting more popular and realistic, but their physics and logic still have flaws, a lot of flaws. Don't get me wrong, a game is a game, and there is no way they can be 100% realistic. Games are meant to be fun, so sometimes physics must give way to gameplay. The unrealistic features I mentioned below are purely for laughing only. :P

1. Ammunition after reloading
fps game m16 reload animation
In game: If your rifle fired a round and you reload, you will drop the magazine and load a new one, then your ammo reserve will have one less bullet, that makes sense isn't it? Nope.

In reality: All your ammo in the used magazine is lost if you just simply drop the magazine. C'mon, You have to pick the mag up to get those ammo back. That's why real life gunfights are far more complex, a soldier needs to manage his mags properly. Like remembering the ammo left in each mag in prolonged combat. 

2. Silencers / Suppressors 

In game: No one will ever notice a guy firing a suppressed gun. You can rush in a building and kill everyone 'silently'.
hitman silverballer with silencers

In reality: It is possible to make a real pistol shot as silent as in game ones. But it takes a lot more work than adding a simple suppressor. High caliber rounds like .45 are absolutely a bad idea, not to mention a 'silenced rifle', .22 is a better choice, so say goodbye to the Hitman Silverballer. Also the suppressor needs to be lubricated to reach the lowest noise, and lubricants usually last for a few dozens shots only.

  But after all the effort, a normal person can still hear the gunshot. In fact, the suppressors are intended to be used in noisy areas to make people unable to distinguish the gunshot with their surroundings. To conclude don't think about assassinating people inside a quiet house using suppressors.

3. Gun Barrels

In game: One can fire as many bullets as they like, provided that there are enough ammo.

battlefield game light machine gun

In reality: Barrels will overheat. Bullets are tiny explosives, and they are blowing themselves up one by one. An actual rifle like AK will be 'red hot' or even burn after firing a couple hundred rounds, and that will have some serious effect on the shooting accuracy. There is no way to cool a barrel down in the middle of a gunfight except changing it with a new one. 

  The next time you play GTA V, you'll be amazed by the minigun that can fire 9999 shots.

4. Flame

In game: You can rush in a flaming room and continue fighting like nothing happened.

battlefield game molotov cocktail

In reality: This is totally ridiculous! And even movies does that, too. A hero can't go in a burning house to fight or to rescue people. Barbecue-flame is hot enough to make people sweat already, so it is impossible to get close to a scorching building as your skin will get burned if you try to do this.

  This rule applies on flamethrowers or molotovs in FPS games, but it seemed everybody get used to fire nowadays.

5. Hand Grenades

In game: When a grenade explodes, it will turn into a fireball and kill those who wanders around, and players won't get hurt as long as they stay out of the blast radius.
battlefield game hand grenades

In reality: A grenade won't create flames at all. Maybe a spark, but definitely not a fireball. Additionally it's not safe to expose yourself to a grenade, as it might be a defensive one (using shrapnel to kill). 

  After reading this post. You'll know how hard it is to be a soldier in real life the next time you play Battlefield. 

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