Sunday, June 21, 2015

Is 'Mad Max' Game Worth The Money?

Mad max game cover photo

  The first gameplay video of Mad Max is out at E3 2015! Which looks awesome and I was tempted to pre-order it. However, a game costing $60 should offer the player more than gun blazing, fist fighting and car chasing scenes. 

  First of all, I'll try to focus on the game itself instead of both the game and movies of Mad Max. Although many may complain that the game doesn't looks or feels like the original movie, I think a movie/book based game can be great even the plot is hugely different. A good example is the Metro 2033 game, it is a great work even though its storyline doesn't follow the book at all in many ways. So I'll try my best to ignore the original movie and write this review.

  For the good side of this game, the best feature in my opinion is the balanced combat system. What I mean is that melee and ranged weapons become as important as each other. From the gameplay we can see that ammo are scarce in the game, that was even mentioned by the narrator in the trailer. In fact, the lack of ammo improves combat diversity as players can't rely on their guns completely, so fights will be a mix between swords and your mighty shotgun.

Mad max game combat photo
  At the same time, the game is likely to have a vast range of weapons. Unlike the movie which shotguns is the only kind of guns left in Australia after the apocalypse, the Mad Max game feature repeaters and rifles (if you watch the trailer closely). From all my heart I wish there is more weapons to be revealed, like assault rifles or SMGs, a few of them is already enough to satisfy players.

  Additionally, the trailer reveals that players can help settlements to grow and expand. Yet I think the player can only do quests for settlement without the option to manage them directly. That's such a pity as the player can immerse into the game world a lot better if they can take control of something big in it. It's always cool to manage a group of people, isn't it?

  However, I was a bit worried about the side quests. In both the trailer and gameplay video, Max intercepts convoys of the War Boys for loot or scraps. That may become a loop in the game, like finding scraps to upgrade your vehicle so that you can find even more scraps and further upgrade your vehicle. I hate this kind of repeating side quests that waste players' time, let's hope the developers aren't lazy on making side quests.
Mad max game car explosion photo
  Also the game physics and settings are a little bit ridiculous. I'm not saying that it should be 100% real, but there are some absurb moments like a car turning into a fireball because of a single shotgun blast. If Max's double-barrel is that powerful, he should be the ruler of Citadel ... Another thing that the game can improve is the clothing of characters. I understand that the developers want the game to look like the movie, nevertheless, not every single raider needs to be half naked and wear stupid accessories. A War Boy can be dressed up like a modest gentleman and still go on with their dirty works.

  To sum up, the gameplay mechanics of Mad Max game is well-balanced and diversed from what we have seen in the announced videos. But the content and logic of the game needs to be improved. Survival game lovers absolutely should give this game a try! Let's keep our fingers crossed for the Mad Max game.

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