Monday, June 22, 2015

Is 'Tom Clancy's The Division' Worth The Money?

Tom Clancy's the division cover photo

  Another E3 2015 game review! Unlike the game in previous review, Tom Clancy's The Division was announced long ago and had gone through some big delays. Finally the release date was confirmed to be March 8, 2016. I beg Ubisoft not to delay it again and let gamers down.

   Many people who have watched the trailers or the gameplay footages might not know the exact background of this game. That's fine as I've done some research on this game, it's set in Manhattan after a disastrous virus outbreak. The game should took place in the near future as some advanced weaponry can be seen (drones, portable sentries etc ). And the player is an agent whom belongs to 'The Division' - a combat group that aims to keep society from collapsing. 

Tom Clancy's the division in game combat  First thing first, the combat system in this game is magnificent from what we've seen in the gameplay. The diversity of a fight is great as loads of tools were provided to players, for example drones that can tag enemies behind cover, or 'rolling grenades' that sneaks up on your foes. These items are futuristic and realistic at the same time. I liked the in-game combat very much as they were far more interesting than those in other shooter games. Guns are no longer the king in a fight, and players are encouraged to utilize different weapons instead.

  Also, PvP in The Division is complex but impressive. In the gameplay footage, the protagonist allied with a group of strangers to take out some raiders, and betrayed them before evacuating. That's just plainly awesome! PvP is no longer about small groups fighting and looting each other. Even one carry excellent guns and was backed with a huge team, his 'teammates' can turn on him and share all his inventory. In the massive world full of dangers and rewards, there is no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.

  Additionally, the developers claimed the storyline will proceed in different paths according to the player's choice, I hope all important decisions made in main quests will have a significant effect on the story, and lead the player into endings which vary a lot from each other, unlike those poorly designed 'choices' in Walking Dead games. 

Tom Clancy's the division in game item menu  However, there are some bads of The Division, too. During an interview, the game director said they haven't came up with a solution to narrow the outrageous gap between old and new players. That is a serious issue, as an awful leveling system can literally destroy a game. Most players have this kind of unpleasant experiences before. I think you know what it feels like to get killed by the same person over and over again, only because they started playing the game earlier than you. Hope the developing team can fix this before the game comes out.

  Another feature that I personally don't like is the damage indication. I have no idea you guys like it or not but that looks a bit silly in an apocalypse game. Armor should be used instead of health to calculate damage. For instance, a player wearing no armor at all should get gunned down by a few shots, it is unrealistic to count health in combat. "Ah, that guy got about 100 health left, so I should use this rifle with 150 damage to finish him off, oh damn! He just healed himself 300 health, I think I should leave ASAP." Imagine how funny that was in such a serious game. But this is only a small flaw in this RPG masterpiece.

  So, I recommend shooter games or RPG games lovers try out this game, hopefully it won't let you down with its massive singleplayer + multiplayer world. Let's pay close attention to The Division. And Ubisoft you better not delay the release date again! Yeah, that's the end of my review.

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